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2023-04-24 20:56:00

No Matter What, She’ll Always be Your Princess


What is love? 

It’s one of the few concepts that’s hard to explain. It seems so simple yet so complex. You see love everywhere and in different forms, but it’s pretty hard to find when you’re looking at the specifics. It’s difficult to define, and yet we know when we feel it. It’s an overwhelming and encompassing feeling that we either deny or accept. 

Before we continue to wax poetic about love, though, let’s make one thing clear; love doesn’t only cover romance. Love can be in multiple shapes and forms. It could be the usual romantic between two individuals. It could be the love a parent has for their child and vice versa. Not only that, but it could be the love between relatives, cousins, siblings, and friends. It could even be the love for one’s fur babies. 

As we said, love has many forms, colors, shapes, and sizes. It doesn’t have to launch a thousand ships or paint a thousand words. It could be something simple and personal. And sometimes, those are the best kinds of love. 

So, what is love?

We can’t really define it. 

Instead, let’s ask this instead; how do we show love? 


Imagining your daughter growing up and having a life of her own is both a blessing and a fear for any parent. You’re happy that she’s found her purpose in life, and she can stand on her own two feet. But you’re also sad and scared as you let your little birdie leave the nest. 

What if she’s not ready? 

What if I haven’t taught her everything I can teach her? 

What if she gets hurt? 

What if she can just live with me and not leave at all? 

You suddenly think of all the possible scenarios that could befall your daughter. Looking for ways you could mold your life around hers so you can still take care of and protect her. 

Then there’s the fear of the possibility that they don’t need you anymore. The feeling that you’re losing her to the world and she doesn’t need to hold your hand anymore. So, you berate yourself for all the wasted time and missed opportunities. 

Don’t worry, it’s normal. You’re a parent. What you feel comes with the title and the responsibilities.

However, you push all these fears and thoughts of melancholy back as you let your little girl slip through your fingers and face the world on her own. Instead, you hold on to the small moments you have with her. The daily, and weekly phone calls, the messages, the updates on where she is and what she’s doing, and even the weekend visits. You feed her as much as you can, thinking that she’s not eating enough. You remind her to take her vitamins and to drink water. 

Then something shifts and she’s taking care of you now instead of the other way around. She reminds you to take your maintenance. To relax and take time for yourself. She starts paying for trips, adventures, and getaways. She buys you groceries and offers to pay for the bills. 

She’s an adult now and can take care of herself. She also chooses to take care of you just like you did when she was little. 

One thing doesn’t change, though. She’s still your baby. No matter how old she is - whether she’s in her 20s, 30s, or even 40s - she will still be your baby. You’ll still worry, and find ways to show your love to her. Instead of toys, you start gifting her useful things like clothes, home appliances, or even jewelry. 

You continue to spend for her instead of yourself. Just like any parent would. You think of what style fits her best, what would show your daughter’s natural beauty. We still want what’s best for our children and with Tessera’s bespoke pieces made with the finest material and sustainably-mined diamonds, you won’t regret it. 

A homegrown jewelry connoisseur, Tessera is re-writing what it means to love. Starting with the color! 

It’s widely known that red is the color of love but we’re here to contest that love can be any color you like. It could even be green! 

Green is the color of life and of starting something new. It’s a reminder of a new chapter in one’s life. Something you’re watching your little girl do on her own. She’s starting a new chapter of her life and a green box of love will give her the encouragement only a parent can give. 

Whether they’re diamond stud earrings, a diamond tennis bracelet, or even a diamond pendant bracelet, let your love shine for your one and only treasure with Tessera. 
